What is rehab?

If you have never been to a rehab before, you may be feeling anxious about what you are letting yourself in for, and wondering what really happens when you are in rehab. We find that most of our people really enjoy being in rehab. After years of darkness, being in rehab shines a light at the end of the tunnel, so many people end up wanting to stay longer than they originally planned.

Our rehab programme is designed solely to help you to learn about and recover from your addiction.

When is the right time?

Our services can always be accessed immediately. Sometimes, when the time is right or there is an urgent need for help, you may call us and say that you or someone you know, wants to come into rehab immediately. We believe it is important to capture those sometimes brief, and often fluctuating moments of motivation, as you never know when the next time will come. However, we do encourage potential clients to to visit us in advance, to see the beautiful building and awesome gardens that will be your home whilst you are with us.

What to expect

Being in rehab really isn’t too dissimilar to being at home, or what we would want to describe as ‘normal life’. There’s no ‘lights on-‘ and ‘lights-off’ time. You wake up and go to sleep when you want to (within reason!). Breakfast is prepared for around 7:30-8am. You can then return to your room before the first group of the day which is a Guided Meditation at 9am. We then run groupwork sessions, 1-2-1’s and activities throughout each day, up until around 4-5pm – it’s similar to going on a course or going to work every day – but the focus of the work and the learning is about addiction, recovery and ultimately you.

There are plenty of breaks between sessions and lunch is served in the middle of the day. You will then have some downtime to relax, spend time in the garden, talk to loved ones, or enjoy a hobby. You will also be set daily tasks by the treatment team to maintain your focus. A nutritious dinner is prepared and served by our in-house Chef at around 6:30pm. We will then, as a group, access a local recovery meeting, leaving the rehab (it’s nice to get out of the house!) at around 7pm and returning between 9-10pm. Rehab. Sleep. Repeat.

Programme Length

Our rehab programme can be up to 12-weeks in duration, and we believe that anyone that completes our 12-week rehab course, will leave treatment with absolutely all of the tools needed to maintain lasting recovery from addiction. We encourage all prospective patients to spend as long a time as possible in rehab, in order to give themselves the best possible chance of staying alcohol and drug free.

Firstly, like anything in life, making long-term life changes requires building new habits. Habits require daily action, that hopefully, in time become automatic. On average it takes up to 2 months for a new behaviour to become automatic, and if you think about it, the simple act of ‘not doing something’ is a new habit, a new behaviour. Wouldn’t it be great that you didn’t have to think about it? Not drinking or using drugs or gambling, was something you just…..do?! Well for many people in long term recovery, that is a reality, and it can be a reality for you as well. Being in rehab for a sustained period of time gives you the opportunity to learn and develop daily actions that will start to become habitual, so when you return home, you are more likely to continue to work on them and implement in your daily life.

Dealing with negativity

For most of our patients, their addiction has stemmed from an underlying trauma. Even if you haven’t experienced a trauma, such as a bereavement or relationship breakdown, your drinking or drug using will have in itself, caused immense feelings of guilt, shame, remorse, and anger. Addiction is complex, and for many has roots stemming back many years. To un-weave the web of addiction and to properly address all of these issues takes time – 12 weeks of intensive 1-2-1 counselling is the recommended time to process the issues, conscious or subconscious, that lead to your addiction. This counselling process can be started in rehab and continued as part of our aftercare programme.

Detox programmes

If you are doing a detox, the schedule outlined above will be much more relaxed and you only need to attend the groups and sessions that you feel physically able to – as you will also be receiving medication throughout the day to minimise withdrawal symptoms. Our Nursing team will check in with you regularly to make sure you are comfortable, taking your vital signs and ensuring you are getting plenty of fluids.

Shorter programmes

We also offer shorter rehab programmes starting from 28 days. The therapy and support you receive will be no different than if you were doing the 12-week programme, but we will tailor the treatment, so that we can focus on specific areas that need to be addressed in the shorter timeframe we have to spend with you. We guarantee that even if you complete a shorter programme, you will be leaving with a very solid foundation for long term recovery.


Regardless of how long someone spends in treatment, it is our belief that ultimately, if someone is motivated enough to get better, there is a very good chance that they will achieve their goal. You get out, what you put in. All we ask from you when you are with us is to engage and be open. Rehab is a process of healing and of cleansing the mind. Our rehab clinic is a sanctuary, a place where you can feel safe, knowing that everything you say, stays with us. We also ask that you listen to us, listen to the people around you and most importantly listen to yourself. We ask that you ask questions, ask for help and if you participate as much as you possibly can, we hope that you find the answers and the solution that you need.

The real work starts when you get home, because then you are really doing it for yourself, with all the stresses and strains of modern life around you. We would hope that in rehab you will have developed a more resilient mindset to cope with these pressures, and the skills and tools that you need to overcome any challenge put in front of you. Our team are on call 24/7 for support, so you know that if you are having a bad day, you can always pick up the phone and speak to someone that you know and trust. We also strongly encourage people to attend our weekly aftercare sessions, which are free for as long as you need them.

Programme Overview

See how our programme can benefit you.